Friday, December 9, 2011

Day #9: The Botanical Gardens


While venturing on the Corcovado Mountain, we explored the Botanical Gardens, founded by Emperor Dom Joao VI in 1808 and are known as Jardim Botanico in Portuguese.  Well, we might as well have been in Hollywood because we walked down the Avenue of Palms upon arrival.  I’m sure those pictures might confuse some of you at home.  Then our tour guide, Adam, introduced us to the most beautiful fountain which we all insisted on throwing a coin into.  After our tourist moment, we got to the main attraction: the greenhouses.  That was the largest variety of plants I have ever seen at one time.  I saw small plants, large plants, pink plants, and even carnivorous plants! It was so crazy I thought that we had jumped into a Dr. Seuss book.  One plant that caught my attention was called the Sarraceniaceae.  It is a carnivorous plant that attracts bugs by sweet nectar located in the bottom of its pitcher-shaped petals.  I thought it looked like a rose at first, but what a surprise.  Also, as we traveled in between greenhouses, Adam pointed out the many birds and howler monkeys.  Meredith said that a cute little howler monkey would be the perfect souvenir, and while the rest of us agreed, Adam hurried us along to the next house.  We had a great time playing touch the prickly plant and now we have a new friend to add on Facebook.  Oh, and now I know what furry little friend I’ll be asking to get on Christmas.

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